Copyright of Content and Name of Todolwen Karen Bailey 2013


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

My Little Backyard Zoo ..

Hello my dear friends,

I haven't shared any photos of the wild life in our garden lately so I thought it would be nice to do so again.

I just can't get enough of the little zoo that we have this year. It is so nice to see all the critters visiting our garden ... from ducks in Spring to doves and all sorts of other small birds and from rabbits to chip monks, baby skunks and raccoons ~ it's almost like a small 'Noah's' garden here these days.

Here are some photos I would love to share with you ...

These two little birds were together but settled on different parts of the wall for a little while ... 

... and then flew away again.
An old pan filled with water helps the little feathered critter to stay cool whilst ...

... this little rabbit loves to nibble on the fresh leaves of my flame bush.

Such a beautiful little creature!

Many little sparrows gather around the old pan to drink when it is very hot outside in the late afternoon ...

... whilst two little rabbits rest in the late shade of the day.

This year we have many little golden finches in our garden and ...
... of course the summer in not the same without the little chip monks.
 I don't know if I ever told you but almost all my critter photos are taken from inside the house. To be exact ... through my dining room window and at times they don't always work but I think they are still worth sharing.
Unfortunately my camera also doesn't take very good pictures when it comes to the darkness of the evening/night, not only that but raccoons and skunks are critters that move fast to stay undetected and safe. I would have to loved to share photos of them too! The baby skunk was just so cute!
Simple things like this bring joy to my life and I wish you much joy too!
I hope you are well and life is treating you kind my dear friends.
Have a peaceful and creative day,
Karen B.


  1. Gorgeous photographs. Isn't it wonderful to have so many beautiful creatures right on the doorstep?

  2. Hi Karen

    your garden is a paradise for the little birds and other little critters ;o))

    Thank you for the pictures.

    Have a nice and wonderful day

    Hugs Mela

  3. Soviele Tiere!
    Herzlichen Dank
    liebe Grüsse

  4. I love your photos Karen, they're all so precious. I don't think I'd ever leave my window, with all these beautiful photo ops, and the chance to enjoy nature at its best, close up! You have a wonderful day also Karen!

  5. Hi Karen,
    Isn't it a wonderful feeling to give food and water and a place to enjoy to Gods creations!
    I love all the wild life that visit our yarden.

    Mrs Cherry Heart
